I am currently offering one-on-one workshops for $85, the workshops are usually a little over 90 minutes.
Workshops Available:
Twist and Turn Are you ready to add a powerful twist and turns to your poems? Join me for a workshop on the turn, the crucial turning point that shifts the direction and tone of a poem. Learn how to effectively use the turn to create dramatic tension, surprise, and emotional impact.
The Invisible Door seeks to teach poets how to express the inexpressible, to capture the emotions, thoughts, and experiences that defy words. In this workshop, we'll delve into the art of writing the ineffable.
Write Like A Reader Pt. 1 Cultivate active writing and reading practices to inspire and inform your own poetry. Learn how to take your favorite elements of a poem and incorporate them into your own writing. Explore actionable writing tips.
Write Like A Reader Pt. 2 Cultivate even more active writing and reading practices to inspire and inform your own poetry. Explore actionable writing tips.
Oops!…I Did It Again Explore the intersection of poetry and pop culture. Learn how to craft compelling poems inspired by your favorite movies, music, TV shows, and more. Discover techniques to infuse your writing with humor, emotion, and a unique perspective.
Contact me to schedule a workshop.